भाग्यदा लक्ष्मी बारम्मा | Bhagyada Lakshmi Baramma

Today I am sharing a very famous South Indian Kirtan or bhajan of Mother Goddess Laxmi, where better-half of Lord vishnu has been praised, and her sanctimonious nature has been properly portrayed. 

In this popular kirtana, Purandara Dasa, reverentially, calls and invites Goddess Lakshmi (the Goddess of wealth, fortune and abundance) into his home using enthralling poetry. As you listen to this song, imagine the smiling Goddess Lakshmi fully decorated with all the jewellery, walking in.

Her beautiful feet, making little steps are bedecked with jingling anklets and her hands offering infinite wealth are adorned with gem-studded sparkling bangles. This song is often played when a new bride steps into her husband’s home(her new home) for the first time after the wedding 😍.

I thought to share the lyrics of this south Indian song.

Bhagyada lakshmi baramma

Bhagyada Lakshmi baaramma

Nammamma nee sowbhagyaada Lakshmi baaramma

Hejjeya mele hejjeya nikkutha

Gejje kaalgala dhwaniya toruta

Sajjana sadhu poojeya velege

 Majjige yolagina benne yanthe

Kanaka vrushtiya kareyuta baare 

Manake maanava siddhiya tore

Dinakara koti tejadi holeyuava 

Janaka rayana kumaari bega

Atthitthagalade bhaktara maneyali

Nitya sumangala  nitya mahotsava

Satyavatoruva saadhu sajjanara chittade holeyuva putthali gombe 

Sankhya illadaa bhaagyava kottu

Kankana kaiyya tiruvuta baare

Kumkumankita pankaja lochane 

Vnnkata ramanana binkada raani

Sakkare tuppada kaaluve harisi 

Shukra vaarada poojeya velege

Akkara yandali alagiri rangana Chokka purandara vithalana raani 

English Meaning:

O Goddess of prosperity, Lakshmi, come in!

Our mother, you are the Goddess of good fortune, Lakshmi, please come!

Making jingling sounds of your anklets!

putting one step over another!

On-time for your worship by the good and saintly!

show up as the butter in the buttermilk, slowly but surely!

Come, showering gold and wealth!

And fulfilling all our desires!

Shining like ten million Suns!

O, daughter of Janaka, come soon!

Without moving away, stay forever, in your devotees’ houses!

Receiving daily services and worship!

O golden doll, shining in the hearts of good and saintly!

Giving the countless amount of wealth!

With your hands adorned with sparkling bangles, come!

O, Lakshmi, lotus-eyed one, with a face adorned with kumkum!

The lovely queen of VenkaTa ramaNa!

Letting sugar and ghee flow in our homes in streams!

On-time for worship on auspicious Friday

The queen of Purandara ViThala, please come to our house!

Hindi Meaning:

भाग्यदा लक्ष्मी बारम्मा, नम्मम्मा नी सौभाग्यदा लक्ष्मी बारम्मा |

गेज्ज काल्गळा ध्वनिय तोरुता हेज्जय मेले हेज्जय निक्कुत |

सज्जन साधु पूजय वेळगे मज्जिगे-ओळगिन बेण्णयन्ते ॥

कनक वृष्टिया करेयुत बारे मनकामनया सिद्धिय तॊरॆ ।

दिनकर कॊटि तॆजदि होळयुव जनकरायन कुमारि बेगा ||

अत्तित्तलगलद भक्तर मनयलि नित्य महॊत्सव नित्य सुमंगळ ।

सत्यवतॊरुव साधु-सज्जनर चित्तदि होळेवापुत्तळिबोंबे ||

संख्येइल्लद भाग्यव कोट्टु कंकण कैया तिरुवुत बारे ।

कुंकुमान्किते पंकज लॊचने वेंकटरमणन बिन्कद राणी ||

सक्करे तुप्पद कालुवे हरिसि शुक्रवारद पूजय वॆळगे ।

अक्करे-उळ्ळ अळगिरि रंगन चोक्क पुरंदर-विट्ठलन राणी ||

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