Green Sauce Pasta|Pesto Pasta
Pasta was introduced in 13th century, the native root for this recipe is a long dispute, it is said that this recipe was introduced to Italy from china by Marco Polo. But many Italian writers have argued that sculptures from the 4th century B.C. bear a relief of pasta-making equipment, suggesting the dish was being enjoyed in pre-Roman Italy.
But in India also we eat dal dhokli which is almost similar to pasta but we prepare it in a very simple way. Anyways I will not probe much inside the depth of this recipe rather we will talk about the shapes as it can be of many shapes having different identity and names, approx 200 forms are available.
Today we are preparing Green sauce pasta & pesto pasta which seems amazing and healthy, this recipe is easy breakfast as it contains the ingredients which are sufficient for quenching or annihilating the hunger. Here we are not adding refined flour for the thickness of the sauce. Let’s learn the steps to prepare this recipe.
Green Sauce Pasta| Pesto Pasta

- 1 cup Penne pasta
- 1 Cup Spinach
- 1 tbsp Corn flour
- 1 tsp Salt
- 1 tbsp Black pepper powder
- 1 tsp Oregano, chilli flex and other seasonings as per the choice
Heat two cups of water in a bowl.
Add penne pasta in the bowl.
Check whether pasta is cooked or not.
Boil spinach leaves.
Transfer the boiled spinach in the grinding jar (While grinding if you will add garlic, onion, tomatoes and green chilli it will enhance its flavour)
Heat a liter of milk.
Mix 1 tbsp of milk with corn flour and transfer the slurry in the wok.
Add grind spinach in the wok.
Mix them using a hand whisker.
Add boiled pasta into it.
Mix them well.
Garnish it with olives.
Serve it hot.
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