Achyutashtakam | अच्युताष्टकम्

Achyutashtakam is one of the prayers to be addressed to Lord Sri Hari composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya. Lord Vishnu is the Supreme Administrator of the Universe. One of his names is Anantakotibrahmandnayaka – The Administrator of an innumerable number of the universe. Lord Vishnu is Omnipresent-Sarvavyapi, Omniscient-Sarvashaktiman and Omnipotent-Sarvasamarth. As described in phalshruti-benefits of chanting Achyutashtakam, Devotees are able to align their individual consciousness with the cosmic consciousness. They enjoy diving deep into the ocean of consciousness, which is an infinite source of knowledge, power and bliss, thereby achieving chaturvidh phal-dharma, arth, kam and moksha-all four goals of human life-righteousness, affluence in every area of life, the fulfilment of all desires and finally-The enlightenment.

अच्युताष्टकम् :

अच्युतं केशवं रामनारायणं कृष्णदामोदरं वासुदेवं हरिम्। श्रीधरं माधवं गोपिकावल्लभं जानकीनायकं रामचन्द्रं भजे।।1।।

अच्युतं केशवं सत्यभामाधवं माधवं श्रीधरमं राधिकाराधितम्। इन्दिरामन्दिरं चेतसा सुन्दरं देवकीनन्दनं नन्दजं सन्दधे।।2।।

विष्णवे जिष्णवे शंखिने चक्रिणे रुक्मिणीरागिणे जानकीजानये। वल्लवीवल्लभायार्चितायात्मने कंसविध्वंसिने वंशिने ते नम:।।3।।

कृष्ण गोविन्द हे राम नारायण श्रीपते वासुदेवाजित श्रीनिधे। अच्युतानन्त हे माधवाधोक्षज द्वारकानायक द्रौपदीरक्षक।।4।।

राक्षसक्षोभित: सीतया शोभितो दण्डकारण्यभूपुण्यताकारण:। लक्ष्मणेनान्वितो वानरै: सेवितो- Sगस्त्यसम्पूजितो राघव: पातु माम्।।5।।

धेनुकारिष्टकानिष्टकृद्द्वेषिहा केशिहा कंसहृद्वंशिकावादक:। पूतनाकोपक: सूरजाखेलनो बालगोपालक: पातु मां सर्वदा।।6।।

विद्युदुद्योतवत्प्रस्फुरद्वाससं प्रावृडम्भोदवत्प्रोल्लसद्विग्रहम्। वन्यया मालया शोभितोर:स्थलं लोहितांघ्रिद्वयं वारिजाक्षं भजे।।7।।

कुंचितै: कुन्तलैर्भ्राजमानाननं रत्नमौलिं लसत्कुण्डलं गण्डयो:। हारकेयूरकं कंकणप्रोज्ज्वलं किंकिणीमंजुलं श्यामलं तं भजे।।8।।

अच्युतस्याष्टकं य: पठेदिष्टदं प्रेमत: प्रत्यहं पूरुष: सस्पृहम्। वृत्तत: सुन्दरं कर्तृविश्वम्भर- स्तस्य वश्यो हरिर्जायते सत्वरम्।।9।।

इति श्रीमच्छंकराचार्यकृतमच्युताष्टकं सम्पूर्णम्।

English Meaning : 

1) I worship Acyuta, the infallible one, Who is Ramacandra, Kesava, Rama, Narayana, Krishna, Damodara, Vasudeva, Hari, Sridhara, Madhava, Who is dear to Gopika, and Who is the consort of Janki.

2) I offer my obeisances to Lord Kesava, Who is infallible (Acyuta), Who is the consort of Satyabhama, Madhava, Sridhara, Who is longed-for by Radhika, Who is the temple of Laksmi (Indira), Who is beautiful by thought, Who is dear to Devaki, and Who is dear to all.

3) Salutations for Visnu, Who conquers everyone, Who holds a conch-shell and a discus, Who is dear to Rukmini, Who is the consort of Janaki, Who is dear to gopi girls, Who is offered [in sacrifices], the Supersoul Who destroyed Kansa, and Who plays the flute.

4) O Krishna! O, Govinda! O, Rama! O Narayana, Who is the consort of Laksmi! O Vasudeva, Who attained the treasure of Laksmi! O Acyuta, Who is immeasurable! O Madhava, O Adhoksaja, Who is the leader of Dvaraka, and Who is the protector of Draupadi!

5) May Raghava — Who disturbed the atheistic practices of the demons, Who adorned Sita, Who is Dandaka-forest purification cause, Who is accompanied by Laksmana, Who was served by monkeys, and Who is revered by Sage Agastya — O Lord, please protect me.

6) May Baby Gopala (Krishna) — Who was unfavourable to Dhenukasura and Aristasura, Who destroyed Kesi, Who killed Kansa, Who plays the flute, and Who got angry on Putana — always protect me.

7) I sing the praise of Acyuta, Who is adorned by a lightening like shining yellow robe, Whose body is resplendent like a cloud of the rainy-season, Who is adorned by a wild-flower garland at His chest, Whose twin-feet are of copper-red colour, and Who has lotus-like eyes.

8) I sing the praise of that Shyama, Whose face is adorned by falling locks of curly tresses, Who has jewels at the forehead, Who has shining ear-rings on the cheeks, Who is adorned with a Keyura (flower) garland, Who has a resplendent bracelet, and Who has a melodious anklet.

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