Saraswati Stotram | सरस्वती स्तोत्र

Saraswati is the name of the Goddess of learning, knowledge, and wisdom. She is being worshipped by every Hindus, especially by those who are involved in studies. Hence students, teachers, musician always prays to the goddess. Goddess Saraswati bestows the blessings to her devotees with divinity, if anyone worships her with devotion, Goddess Saraswati resides on the tip of the tongue, Vedas explains this. Goddess of knowledge is also the Goddess of proper diction and speech. I am sharing a stotram of mother goddess Saraswati which is very powerful in getting her blessings.

सरस्वती स्तोत्र

या कुन्देन्दुतुषारहारधवला या शुभ्रवस्त्रान्विता या वीणावरदण्डमण्डितकरा या श्वेतपद्मासना । या ब्रह्माच्युतशंकरप्रभृतिभिर्देवै: सदा वन्दिता सा मां पातु सरस्वती भगवती नि:शेषजाड्यापहा ।।1।।

आशासु राशीभवदंगवल्लीभासैव दासीकृतदुग्धसिन्धुम । मन्दस्मितैर्निन्दितशारदेन्दुं वन्देsरविन्दासनसुन्दरि त्वाम ।।2।।

शारदा शारदाम्भोजवदना वदनाम्बुजे । सर्वदा सर्वदास्माकं सन्निधिं सन्निधिं क्रियात ।।3।।

सरस्वतीं च तां नौमि वागधिष्ठातृदेवताम । देवत्वं प्रतिपद्यन्ते यदनुग्रहतो जना: ।।4।।

पातु नो निकषग्रावा मतिहेम्न: सरस्वती । प्राज्ञेतरपरिच्छेदं वचसैव करोति या ।।5।।

शुक्लां ब्रह्मविचारसारपरमामाद्यां जगद्व्यापिनीं वीणापुस्तकधारिणीमभयदां जाड्यान्धकारापहाम । हस्ते स्फाटिकमालिकां च दधतीं पद्मासने संस्थितां वन्दे तां परमेश्वरीं भगवतीं बुद्धिप्रदां शारदाम ।।6।।

वीणाधरे विपुलमंगलदानशीले, भक्तार्तिनाशिनि विरिंचिहरीशवन्द्ये । कीर्तिप्रदेsखिलमनोरथदे महार्हे, विद्याप्रदायिनि सरस्वति नौमि नित्यम ।।7।।

श्वेताब्जपूर्णविमलासनसंस्थिते हे, श्वेताम्बरावृतमनोहरमंजुगात्रे । उद्यन्मनोज्ञसितपंकजमंजुलास्ये, विद्याप्रदायिनि सरस्वति नौमि नित्यम ।।8।।

मातस्त्वदीयपदपंकजभक्तियुक्ता, ये त्वां भजन्ति निखिलानपरान्विहाय । ते निर्जरत्वमिह यान्ति कलेवरेण, भूवह्निवायुगगनाम्बुविनिर्मितेन ।।9।।

मोहान्धकारभरिते ह्रदये मदीये, मात: सदैव कुरु वासमुदारभावे । स्वीयाखिलावयवनिर्मलसुप्रभाभि:, शीघ्रं विनाशय मनोगतमन्धकारम ।।10।।

ब्रह्मा जगत सृजति पालयतीन्दिरेश:, शम्भुर्विनाशयति देवि तव प्रभावै: । न स्यात्कृपा यदि तव प्रकटप्रभावे, न स्यु: कथंचिदपि ते निजकार्यदक्षा: ।।11।।

लक्ष्मीर्मेधा धरा पुष्टिर्गौरी तुष्टि: प्रभा धृति: । एताभि: पाहि तनुभिरष्टाभिर्मां सरस्वति ।।12।।

सरस्वत्यै नमो नित्यं भद्रकाल्यै नमो नम: । वेदवेदान्तवेदांगविद्यास्थानेभ्य: एव च ।।13।।

सरस्वति महाभागे विद्ये कमललोचने । विद्यारुपे विशालाक्षि विद्यां देहि नमोsस्तु ते ।।14।।

यदक्षरं पदं भ्रष्टं मात्राहीनं च यद्भवेत । तत्सर्वं क्षम्यतां देवि प्रसीद परमेश्वरि ।।15।।

Meaning In English :

The one who is as white as kund flower, moon, snow and diamond garland. The one who is wearing white cloth, the one whose hand is oriented with veena, the one who is sitting on the white lotus, Lord Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh always preach her. She removes all kinds of illiteracy & ignorance, that mother goddess Saraswati may adhere us.

O beautiful mother goddess Saraswati who sits on the bed of lotus, you are persistent in every direction, from the vibrant colour of your body, it seems you and cheer ocean is similar, your body lit similarly like the winter moon, I pray you, mother, the one who emerged during the winter session.

The one whose face is similar to the lotus flower, She accomplishes every wish of the devotees, Mother Sharda kindly stay in my mouth with all the prosperity. I pray to the mother goddess Saraswati who always keeps the promise, from the blessings of the mother goddess Saraswati normal people become the devta. Like the gold, she is the criterion, she only differentiates between the wise and fools through speech. Kindly take care of our well being, the one who is white in colour, the one who is the thought of divinity, the one who expands in the whole world. The one who carries veena (Musical instrument) and book, the one who gives fearlessness and removes the foolishness, the one who carries the beads of sphatik mani. Stays on lotus bed, the one who provide us with brain and intellect. I pray to the goddess saraswati.

O devi who carries veena, gives extreme happiness and purity, one who removes the sorrow of the devotees, the one who is being preached by lord Brahma, vishnu and Shiva, the one who gives fame and fulfils all the desires, the one who is venerable and the one who provides knowledge, I preach you always. 

O mother goddess Saraswati you always reside on the bed of white lotus, your body always glows with white cloth and beautiful body. Your face seems like an open bloomed lotus flower, the one who provides knowledge, I pray to you always. 

O mother Saraswati, the one who always be devoted to you and who forget about other devtas and keep chanting you, becomes preachable and divine just in the same five matter form of the body which is made up of fire, earth, water, air and sky.

O generous mother Saraswati! Stay in my soul and brain which is filled with the darkness of infatuation, and from the brightness of your whole body kindly remove this darkness from my soul and brain. O, mother! with your influence, Brahma made the world, Lord Vishnu nurse the world & Lord Shiva devastate the world. O mother goddess Saraswati your influence is clearly visible, If you will not influence them then how they will accomplish their work.

O Saraswati, Laxmi, Megha, Dhara, Pusti, Gawri, Tusti, Prabha ghriti! protect me from these eight deities. O mother goddess Saraswati I always greet you, O bhadra kaali I greet you always, O ved, vedang, vedant and the places of studies I greet you. O extremely fortunate, knowledge form, having big lotus eys, bestower of knowledge kindly provide me the knowledge. I pray to you! If anything while praying went wrong then forgive me and mother goddess kindly be happy. 

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