Bhaye Prakat Kripala | भए प्रगट कृपाला, दीनदयाला

This famous Hindi hymn describes how Rama at birth appeared! like Lord Vishnu to his mother Kausalya and how he assumed the form of a human baby at her request. In Tulsi Das Rama Charit Manas ( BalKand)  this scene has been explained, as to how lord just appeared in the form of Sri Hari Vishnu, as he was intended to protect the humanity from evil power, but after the request of her mother who had requested lord due to tapshya (Austerity)  in her several births, to take a form of her baby in her next birth and it was accepted after an intense Austerity by her.

भए प्रगट कृपाला, दीनदयाला

भए प्रगट कृपाला, दीनदयाला, कौसल्या हितकारी। हरषित महतारी, मुनि मन हारी, अद्भुत रूप बिचारी॥

लोचन अभिरामा, तनु घनस्यामा, निज आयुध भुजचारी। भूषन बनमाला, नयन बिसाला, सोभासिंधु खरारी॥

कह दुइ कर जोरी, अस्तुति तोरी, केहि बिधि करूं अनंता। माया गुन ग्यानातीत अमाना, वेद पुरान भनंता॥

करुना सुख सागर, सब गुन आगर, जेहि गावहिं श्रुति संता। सो मम हित लागी, जन अनुरागी, भयउ प्रगट श्रीकंता॥

ब्रह्मांड निकाया, निर्मित माया, रोम रोम प्रति बेद कहै। मम उर सो बासी, यह उपहासी, सुनत धीर मति थिर न रहै॥

उपजा जब ग्याना, प्रभु मुसुकाना, चरित बहुत बिधि कीन्ह चहै। कहि कथा सुहाई, मातु बुझाई, जेहि प्रकार सुत प्रेम लहै॥

माता पुनि बोली, सो मति डोली, तजहु तात यह रूपा। कीजै सिसुलीला, अति प्रियसीला, यह सुख परम अनूपा॥

सुनि बचन सुजाना, रोदन ठाना, होइ बालक सुरभूपा। यह चरित जे गावहिं, हरिपद पावहिं, ते न परहिं भवकूपा॥

Meaning in English : 

The lord who exhibits his mercy and compassion to the suffering, appeared before Kausalya , And she was cheerful on seeing him who stole the heart of sages and thought about his great form, as he had ever pretty eyes, was having a dark black body and held weapons in four hands, And also the killer of Khara Wore a forest garland, had broad eyes, was an ocean of beauty.

She saluted him joining her palms, sang his praise and asked him “ Oh lord of infinite and endless mercy, how do I praise you, as the Vedas and Puranas say that you are beyond Maya (Imagination), beyond all the attributes and knowledge and you are immeasurable, you are an ocean of joy and mercy, the collection of all good virtues and that you are praised by all Vedas and sages,

The Vedas say that you create a body of the universe from every pore of the hair by the power of your Maya. Even wise men, on hearing that you lived in my womb would find it difficult to believe, and when this thought came to the mother the Lord smiled and told her that as sports he does diverse acts. And he told her joyful stories so that she would start loving him like a child.

On hearing it the mother’s mind changed and the Lord gave up the form he had assumed, and she requested him to do the baby like acts and became very dear to her and give her great happiness, on hearing these words the all-knowing lord left being an immortal lord and started crying like a child. The one who sings this story would witness the feet of Lord Vishnu and would never fall back into the birth-death cycle.

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