Sri Mahishaasura Mardini Stotram | Shankata Stotram | महिषासुर मर्दिनी स्तोत्रम

महिषासुर मर्दिनी स्तोत्रम:

अयि गिरिनन्दिनि नन्दितमेदिनि विश्वविनोदिनि नन्दिनुते गिरिवरविन्ध्यशिरोऽधिनिवासिनि विष्णुविलासिनि जिष्णुनुते । भगवति हे शितिकण्ठकुटुम्बिनि भूरिकुटुम्बिनि भूरिकृते जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १ ॥

सुरवरवर्षिणि दुर्धरधर्षिणि दुर्मुखमर्षिणि हर्षरते त्रिभुवनपोषिणि शङ्करतोषिणि किल्बिषमोषिणि घोषरते दनुजनिरोषिणि दितिसुतरोषिणि दुर्मदशोषिणि सिन्धुसुते जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ २ ॥

अयि जगदम्ब मदम्ब कदम्ब वनप्रियवासिनि हासरते शिखरि शिरोमणि तुङ्गहिमलय शृङ्गनिजालय मध्यगते । मधुमधुरे मधुकैटभगञ्जिनि कैटभभञ्जिनि रासरते जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ३ ॥

अयि शतखण्ड विखण्डितरुण्ड वितुण्डितशुण्द गजाधिपते रिपुगजगण्ड विदारणचण्ड पराक्रमशुण्ड मृगाधिपते । निजभुजदण्ड निपातितखण्ड विपातितमुण्ड भटाधिपते जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ४ ॥

अयि रणदुर्मद शत्रुवधोदित दुर्धरनिर्जर शक्तिभृते चतुरविचार धुरीणमहाशिव दूतकृत प्रमथाधिपते । दुरितदुरीह दुराशयदुर्मति दानवदुत कृतान्तमते जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ५ ॥

अयि शरणागत वैरि वधूवर वीर वराभय दायकरे त्रिभुवन मस्तक शूल विरोधि शिरोधि कृतामल शूलकरे । दुमिदुमि तामर दुंदुभिनाद महो मुखरीकृत तिग्मकरे जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥६॥

अयि निज हुँकृति मात्र निराकृत धूम्र विलोचन धूम्र शते समर विशोषित शोणित बीज समुद्भव शोणित बीज लते । शिव शिव शुंभ निशुंभ महाहव तर्पित भूत पिशाचरते जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥७॥

धनुरनु संग रणक्षणसंग परिस्फुर दंग नटत्कटके कनक पिशंग पृषत्क निषंग रसद्भट शृंग हतावटुके । कृत चतुरङ्ग बलक्षिति रङ्ग घटद्बहुरङ्ग रटद्बटुके जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥८॥

सुरललना ततथेयि तथेयि कृताभिनयोदर नृत्यरते कृत कुकुथः कुकुथो गडदादिकताल कुतूहल गानरते । धुधुकुट धुक्कुट धिंधिमित ध्वनि धीर मृदंग निनादरते जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ९ ॥

जय जय जप्य जयेजय शब्द परस्तुति तत्पर विश्वनुते झण झण झिञ्जिमि झिंकृत नूपुर सिंजित मोहित भूतपते । नटित नटार्ध नटीनट नायक नाटित नाट्य सुगानरते जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥१०॥

अयि सुमनः सुमनः सुमनः सुमनः सुमनोहर कांतियुते श्रित रजनी रजनी रजनी रजनी रजनीकर वक्त्रवृते । सुनयन विभ्रमर भ्रमर भ्रमर भ्रमर भ्रमराधिपते जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥११॥

सहित महाहव मल्लम तल्लिक मल्लित रल्लक मल्लरते विरचित वल्लिक पल्लिक मल्लिक झिल्लिक भिल्लिक वर्ग वृते । सितकृत पुल्लिसमुल्ल सितारुण तल्लज पल्लव सल्ललिते जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥१२॥   

अविरल गण्ड गलन्मद मेदुर मत्त मतङ्गज राजपते त्रिभुवन भूषण भूत कलानिधि रूप पयोनिधि राजसुते । अयि सुद तीजन लालसमानस मोहन मन्मथ राजसुते जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥१३॥

कमल दलामल कोमल कांति कलाकलितामल भाललते सकल विलास कलानिलयक्रम केलि चलत्कल हंस कुले । अलिकुल सङ्कुल कुवलय मण्डल मौलिमिलद्भकुलालि कुले जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥१४॥

कर मुरली रव वीजित कूजित लज्जित कोकिल मञ्जुमते मिलित पुलिन्द मनोहर गुञ्जित रंजितशैल निकुञ्जगते । निजगुण भूत महाशबरीगण सद्गुण संभृत केलितले जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥१५॥

कटितट पीत दुकूल विचित्र मयूखतिरस्कृत चंद्र रुचे प्रणत सुरासुर मौलिमणिस्फुर दंशुल सन्नख चंद्र रुचे । जित कनकाचल मौलिपदोर्जित निर्भर कुंजर कुंभकुचे जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥१६॥

विजित सहस्रकरैक सहस्रकरैक सहस्रकरैकनुते कृत सुरतारक सङ्गरतारक सङ्गरतारक सूनुसुते । सुरथ समाधि समानसमाधि समाधिसमाधि सुजातरते जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥१७॥

पदकमलं करुणानिलये वरिवस्यति योऽनुदिनं स शिवे अयि कमले कमलानिलये कमलानिलयः स कथं न भवेत् । तव पदमेव परंपदमित्यनुशीलयतो मम किं न शिवे जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥१८॥

कनकलसत्कल सिन्धु जलैरनु सिञ्चिनुते गुण रङ्गभुवं भजति स किं न शचीकुच कुंभ तटी परिरंभ सुखानुभवम् । तव चरणं शरणं करवाणि नतामरवाणि निवासि शिवं जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥१९॥

तव विमलेन्दुकुलं वदनेन्दुमलं सकलं ननु कूलयते किमु पुरुहूत पुरीन्दुमुखी सुमुखीभिरसौ विमुखीक्रियते । मम तु मतं शिवनामधने भवती कृपया किमुत क्रियते जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥२०॥

अयि मयि दीनदयालुतया कृपयैव त्वया भवितव्यमुमे अयि जगतो जननी कृपयासि यथासि तथाऽनुमितासिरते । यदुचितमत्र भवत्युररि कुरुतादुरुतापमपाकुरुते जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥२१॥

॥इति श्रीमहिषासुरमर्दिनि स्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् ॥सुते ॥२०॥ ॥इति श्रीमहिषासुरमर्दिनि स्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् ॥

Mahisasur Mardini Stotram meaning in English : 

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Who makes the whole earth happy, Who rejoices with this universe, Who is the daughter of Nanda, Who resides on the peak of Vindhyas, Who plays with Lord Vishnu, Who has a glittering mien, Who is praised by other goddesses, Who is the consort of the lord with the blue neck, Who has several families, Who do good to her family. Who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. 1

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh goddess who showers boons on devas, Who punishes those who are undisciplined. Who tolerates ugly faced ogres, Who enjoys in being happy, Who looks after the three worlds, Who pleases lord Shiva, Who removes effect of sins, Who rejoices with the holy sound, Who is angry on the progenies of Dhanu, Who is angry with the children of Dithi, Who discourages those with pride, Who is the daughter of the Ocean, Who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. 2

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh, mother of the entire world, Who loves to live in the forest of Kadambha trees, Who enjoys smiling, Who lives in the top peak of the great Himalayas Who is sweeter than honey, Who keeps the treasures of Madhu and Kaidabha, Who is the slayer of Kaidabha, Who enjoys her dancing, Who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. 3

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess who breaks the heads of ogres, Into hundreds of pieces, Who cuts the trunks of elephants in battle, Who rides on the valorous lion, Which tears the heads of elephants to pieces, Who severs the heads of the generals of the enemy, With her own arms, Who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. 4 

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess who has the strength which never diminishes, To gain victory over enemies in the battle field, Who made Pramatha, the attendant of Lord Shiva, Known for his tricky strategy, as her assistant, Who took the decision to destroy the asuras, Who are bad people, with evil thoughts and mind, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. 5

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess who has the strength which never diminishes, To gain victory over enemies in the battle field, Who made Pramatha, the attendant of Lord Shiva, Known for his tricky strategy, as her assistant, Who took the decision to destroy the asuras, Who are bad people, with evil thoughts and mind, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. 6

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh, Goddess who blew away hundreds of ogres, Who had smoking eyes, With her mere sound of “Hum” Oh Goddess who is the blood-red creeper, Emanating from the seeds of blood, Which fell in the battlefield, Oh Goddess who delights in the company of Lord Shiva, And the ogres Shumbha and Nishumbha, Who were sacrificed in the battlefield, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. 7

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess who decks herself with ornaments, On her throbbing limbs in the field of battle, When she gets her bow ready to fight, Oh Goddess , who killed her enemies, In the field of battle with a shining sword, And the shaking of her golden brown spots, Oh Goddess , who made the battle ground of the four fold army, In to a stage of drama with screaming little soldiers, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. 8

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess who decks herself with ornaments, On her throbbing limbs in the field of battle, When she gets her bow ready to fight, Oh Goddess, who killed her enemies, In the field of battle with a shining sword, And the shaking of her golden brown spots, Oh Goddess, who made the battleground of the fourfold army, Into a stage of drama with screaming little soldiers, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. 9

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess, whose victory is sung, By the whole universe, Which is interested in singing her victory, Oh Goddess who attracts the attention of Lord Shiva, By the twinkling sound made by her anklets, While she is engaged in dancing, Oh Goddess who gets delighted, By the dance and drama by versatile actors, Even while she is half of Lord Shiva’s body, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura.10

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess of the people with a good mind, Who is greatly gracious to such people, Oh Goddess who appears very pretty to the good minded, Oh Goddess with moon-like face, Who is as cool as the moon, to those in the dark, Oh Goddess whose face shines in the moonlight, Oh Goddess whose very pretty flower-like eyes attracts the bees, Oh Goddess who attracts devotees, like a flower which attracts bees, Oh Goddess who attracts her lord like a bee, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. 11

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess who becomes happy, In the sport of battle, assisted by warriors, Oh Goddess who is surrounded by hunters, Whose hut is surrounded by creepers, And the tribes of Mallika’s, Jillakas and Bhillakas, Oh Goddess who is as pretty as The famous fully opened flower, Oh Goddess , who is as pretty as the creeper, Full of red tender leaves, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura.12

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess , who walks like a royal elephant in rut, In Whose face there is a copious flow of ichors, Oh Goddess , who is the daughter of the ocean of milk, From where the pretty moon also took his birth, Oh Goddess who is the ornament of the three worlds, Oh Goddess who is worshipped by the God of love, Who fills the minds of pretty ladies with desire, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura.13

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess , whose spotless forehead, Which is of delicate prettiness, Is like pure and tender lotus leaf, Oh Goddess who moves like the spotlessly pretty swans, Which Move with delicate steps, And which is the epitome of arts,, Oh Goddess ,Whose tress is surrounded By bees from bakula trees, Which normally crowd the tops of lotus flowers, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. 14

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess with sweet tender thoughts, Whose sweet enchanting music, Made through the flute in her hands, Put the sweet voiced nightingale to shame, Oh Goddess who stays in pleasant mountain groves, Which resound with the voice of tribal folks, Oh Goddess, whose playful stadium, Is filled with flocks of tribal women, Who have many qualities similar to her, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. 15 

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh goddess, who wears yellow silks on her waist, Which has peculiar brilliance , That puts the moon to shame, Oh goddess, whose toe nails shine like the moon, Because of the reflection of the light, From the crowns of Gods and asuras who bow at her feet, Oh Goddess whose breasts which challenge, The forehead of elephants and the peaks of golden mountains, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. 16

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess , whose splendour , Defeats the Sun with his thousand rays Oh Goddess , who is saluted by the Sun, Who has thousands of rays, Oh Goddess who was praised, By Tharakasura after his defeat, In the war between him and your son, Oh Goddess who was pleased with King Suratha, And the rich merchant called Samadhi, Who entered in to Samadhi, And who prayed for endless Samadhi, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. 17

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess, in whom mercy lives, And who is auspiciousness itself, He who worships thine lotus feet, Daily without fail, Would for sure be endowed with wealth, By that Goddess who lives on lotus, And if I consider thine feet as only refuge, Is there anything that I will not get, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. 18

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, He who sprinkles the water of the ocean, Taken in a golden pot , on your play ground, Oh Goddess will get the same pleasure , Like the Indra in heaven, when he fondles, The pot like breasts of his wife Suchi, So I take refuge in thine feet Oh Goddess, Which is also place where Shiva resides, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. 19

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, He who keeps thine face adorned by moon, In his thought would never face rejection, By the bevvy of pretty beauties with moon-like face, In the celestial Indra’s court, And so oh Goddess who is held in esteem by Shiva, I am sure you would not reject my wishes, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. 20

Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Please shower some mercy on me, As you are most merciful on the oppressed. Oh mother of the universe ,be pleased, To give me the independence , To consider you as my mother And do not reject my prayer even if it is improper, But be pleased to drive away all my sorrows, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Jai Maa Durga !! 21

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