Energy vampires and energy shuckers |How to deal with and how to overcome such traits (If you are an energy vampire)

In this article we will talk about energy vampires, they are the people who drain the energy of people who come across them or those who talk to them. Mainly softhearted people are the targeted victim of this kind of people. These people extract the energy in just a simple conversation and will make you feel worst all the time as if you are the culprit all the time. They will indulge in your life just because they want to, there is no willingness of your choice. If you are a very genuine person and untouched by the cruelty of the world, then be cautious of such energy vampires. 

Some people especially the innocent one who do not get the opportunity to stay outside of their hometown and do not get many opportunities to witness the wrong people often becomes the victim of such energy shuckers, because they never have thought or heard of such people ever in their lives. 

They leave you feeling drained after every conversation. They want your nonstop attention, and the conversation is always about them. They may be charming, and charismatic and have a life-of-the-party personality. They also may cheat. They may lie. And it’s probably someone else’s fault when something goes wrong. These are some (but certainly not all) of the traits you might run across in someone who is an “energy vampire.” The most common trait they are having is they feed on others, like a parasite. 

There are different types of energy shuckers, and they fall on a gamut. There’s the narcissistic drama queen of the king’s friend who’s always dealing with one crisis or another. There’s the manipulative coworker who doesn’t care who she or he steps on to get ahead. And there’s the downright psychopathic criminal. What energy vampires all have in common is they “subsist on” (or palpate) people who will give them air space and open ears.

Unsurprisingly those most often targeted are the sensitive, compassionate, always-see-the-good-in-people, spiritual and genuine types of people. An energy vampire isn’t a clinical term or diagnosis currently, but this term is more of a personality trait. Such people tend to have dramatic, overly emotional or erratic thinking or behaviours which are fairly common. Certain people are considered in a category of cluster B according to researchers and psychologists. Cluster B includes people with antisocial, borderline and narcissistic personality disorders, and each of those is a clinical diagnosis with measurable specific traits spelt out in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which psychologists use to identify mental health disorders. “There’s no chemical imbalance in the brain or anything like that. But individuals either lack or have a somewhat misguided conscience or moral parameters.

If you find someone who is an energy shucker then it’s better to stay away from those, because such people will make you sick in no time. What makes energy vampires so toxic is that they can be sources of chronic stress! If they are the people whom you cannot avoid like your boss, your partner or your parents, then it may cause severe health issues, chronic stress is well known to have pretty deleterious effects on multiple systems in the body, including the immune, cardiovascular, neuroendocrine and central nervous systems.

How to defeat thoroughly such energy shuckers:

Remember that when it comes to looking out for your energy and well-being around energy vampires, you’re not being selfish, you are practising good self-care. Doing so keeps you from getting overwhelmed, anxious and sick. Here’s how:

Slash them out of your life (if you can):

If they are not someone whom you can’t avoid (such as a boss or a family member), scratch off contact with the person. If it is necessary to communicate with such people, then use technology to your advantage. Text or use a messaging app, rather than making a conversation over the phone.

Set Parameters and circumference:

Know what types of pursuit work well and which ones don’t, and plan accordingly. Maybe going out to lunch or coffee is bearable but inviting that individual to your house is just too much. Set beginning and end times.

Lower your expectations with such people: 

If you’re dealing with a narcissist, know that these people are not capable of being empathetic toward you. So don’t expect that from them. Avoid bearing your soul to that person to protect yourself from feeling disheartened when they don’t meet you with the understanding, you’re looking for.

Pretend you are already exhausted and there is no space for more such stuff: 

When an energy vampire tries narrating their bad stories or experiences, just to free themselves, tell them you feel under the weather or tired. “They will go to another source immediately,”. “They do not want to be around somebody who doesn’t have the energy to give back.”

Don’t entertain them: 

Act like a grey rock around them. Don’t entertain them. Don’t give them energy. Don’t give them the response (whether it be your open ear, your heed, your sympathy or your support) that they’re looking for and they’ll lose interest and will not ever try to initiate the conversation in that way. 

You are not a Rubbish bin: 

Such people are like dumpers, they never try to conversate in the way they are releasing their emotions, they simply dump their negative emotions in your life, where you have nothing to do with such things. So better understand the difference between “venting” and “dumping.” Everybody needs to voice frustration now and again. Energy vampires constantly dump their frustrations, irritations, annoyances, bad days and negative feelings on others. “It’s really important to know the difference between venting (being accountable to their role in the problem and looking for a solution or resolution) and dumping (thinking unintelligible rant or speaking or shouting at length in a wild, impassioned way), “So you can sit limits and not just sit there and take it.”

Do not overreact in front of such people: 

Remain cool, calm and collected when dealing with an energy vampire. Losing it can cause an energy vampire to do the same and make you feel worse about yourself. As they will pretend that they are the real sufferers, and you are extremely rude by responding to them.

Do not stereotype everyone with such similar traits:

Sometimes a reality check is required while getting to know anyone who is an energy shucker or not! Determine which of your friends or family can be your reality check on the situation, trusted individuals who can level set with you when the energy vampire in your life is acting up. “Yes, they’re acting crazy. Yes, it looks like they’re getting away with murder.” Those trusted reality-check friends can help affirm that what you feel in your gut is right, and not the other way around.

Learn to say NO that too nicely: 

Say “no” nicely. “It’s OK to not invite people to interact with you. And it’s OK to say no to people. And remember, “no” is a sentence in and of itself. You can say it in a nice way that’s not impolite or uncaring for those who deserve this. “You can be a loving, compassionate person and still stick up for yourself. You don’t need to be a doormat.”

This article is the research from psychologists and also, and I have included my own experience of my life, such people pretend to be the best, the limelight of the show, and all of a sudden, they drip down all the energy you are having, just by talking to you in a manner that will make you sick. The best thing you can do is, avoid such people and not console them, as they are not willing to get consoled, they will find ways to become sad. 

Some knowledge tips for Energy Vampires themselves: 

If you have such traits as mentioned in this article, then try to overcome them by treating others with love and not by force. Try not the talk about your negative feelings with others, as everyone is having their problems and you never know the one, they are dealing with is more severe than yours, so never think that you are the one who is having all the problems of the world, there are others as well who are showing a smile on their face but are suffering internally, so never try to burden others. If you are an energy shucker then try to make your aura pure, by walking between nature, waking up early in the morning, chanting mantras and making yourself hydrated. Detox your body and your soul will start to heal, Practice yoga, and meditation, learn empathy and learn how to heal yourself as no one else can better heal you than yourself. Try to overcome overthinking and talk positive things always, never be jealous of others and never think that you are the only one in this world, who can do certain things in the best way, never stereotype and never assume as others’ life is better than yours.

I hope this article will be helpful for both the energy shuckers and the victims at the same! Kindly support us by watching our other videos and subscribing to our channel.

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